At Mill Hill, we believe Science is a core part of any child’s learning journey. Science holds the key to unlocking a lifelong curiosity and wonderment about the world around us. We aim to provide children with an enquiry-based curriculum that covers a wide range of topics.
A pupil’s science journey begins in Nursery whereby children have the opportunity to explore a range of topics through a play-based approach. This ignites children’s scientific discovery and allows them to begin to question and investigate their ideas. This inquisitiveness continues within Reception and Year 1 as children begin to apply theoretical knowledge to their discoveries.
The practical nature of Science runs as a continuous theme throughout all Key Stages and encourages children to form, investigate and draw conclusions for their own scientific questions.
Science is part of our 3D curriculum and therefore has links across other subjects. Our subject leader has developed unit overviews to ensure consistency, progression and a suitable sequence of sessions. To assess the children’s knowledge and the content of our curriculum, we use cumulative quizzes throughout the unit. See below for an example of a cumulative quiz and unit overview.