It is the intent of Mill Hill Primary Academy to provide opportunities for all children to learn and to achieve, regardless of gender, ethnicity or ability. We aim to promote children’s self-esteem and emotional well-being and to help them form and maintain worthwhile satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and others.

At Mill Hill, we use a four step enquiry based model of delivery in RE, which develops children’s critical thinking skills thus enhancing their motivation to learn. By developing their knowledge and understanding of different beliefs and religions, we enable the children to understand and show empathy towards difference.

Our RE curriculum aids children’s personal development and understanding of the world, including key British values, which are mapped throughout the units. In preparation of pupils for life in modern Britain, SMSC opportunities are also identified in each RE enquiry.

Our philosophy at Mill Hill is that children are free to make their own choices and decisions concerning religion and belief. RE does not try to persuade but rather informs and develops the skills with which evaluation can take place.

To form the basis of our curriculum, we use Discovery RE. Our subject leader has mapped our RE curriculum to reflect the demographic within school and to ensure exposure to other religions.