Year 6 Visit to Staffordshire University (Dec 23)

"Nicholas Nickleby" by Charles Dickens

6P had a brilliant afternoon at Staffordshire University yesterday which was completely funded by the Character and Arts Foundation.

They watched the drama students perform the Play ‘Nicholas Nickleby’ by Charles Dickens, had the chance to ask the director questions about acting, directing and drama and then had a tour of the campus to let the children see what was on offer if they wanted to go to University.

It was amazing to hear the children talk about what they’d like to do if they go to university. One child said “I didn’t think I wanted to go to university but I now I do. Do they really build cars??”

It was great for the children to see that they can be anything that they set their mind to. The possibilities are endless!

Well done 6P! You were all amazing today.
