Year 5 Camping (May 24)

Year 5 Camping 🏕️🍕🎤🎥

Wow! 💥💥💥What an amazing experience we had on Friday night. The camping over at school was a huge success 😁

Throughout the night the children got to participate in team building activities, dance, making s’mores and even a bit of karaoke. They all enjoyed their pizza and chips at teatime. Then chill time with a film and popcorn before bed. They were definitely all worn out as it didn’t take them long to get to sleep 🍕🎤🍟🎥🍿💤

One feedback from a parent was that their child is all ready to experience Stanley Head now, where they were a bit worried at the thought of it before! This was fantastic to hear 😁

Now time to get prepared for another fun filled evening with the year 4 children in June.