The children were introduced to a variety of instruments as they were shown and named one by one. After demonstrating how each instrument was played, the children were given an exciting task – to uncover hidden items. To add to the excitement, they had a magic wand to tap on the bowl before they turned it over and each item corresponded to a well-known nursery rhyme, which was then sung while the children played along with their instruments. The children loved it and the instruments sounded amazing, too!
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Mill Hill Primary Academy
Sunnyside Avenue
© 2023 Mill Hill Primary Academy
City Learning Trust is a Company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales, with Registered Company Number 07746561. Registered office: Haywood Academy, High Lane, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent, ST6 7AB. VAT Registration Number: 141 4134 56. If you require this information in any other format please let us know.
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