Sarah Hulme

Head of Academy and SENCO

I have been living locally to Stoke-on-Trent all of my life, with strong links to the Potteries in particularly the pottery industry. I am extremely lucky to be able to teach, but also live on a working dairy farm alongside my husband and two beautiful daughters. I am the second person in my family to go to university, taking after my mum by following in her footsteps as a teacher, as this is where I gained my first experience and love for being in the classroom.

I have now been teaching for a number of years, and I have taught across a range of key stages in schools across Stoke. From this I found my true passion was in the Early Years. I first started as a young 20 something teacher at Mill Hill who had been teaching just a few years to now being Vice Principal. Mill Hill definitely gets in your heart as I couldn’t think of a better place to be as the children, staff and community never fail to amaze me with their constant drive, passion and talent.

Through my journey as a teacher it has led me to believe that all children are unique and have something special that they can bring to their own education. Here at Mill Hill we have the special job of allowing children to grow and reach their true potential. As Dalai Lama states “When educating the minds of our youth we must not forget to educate their hearts.” Only through education, we will be able to understand our true selves, you should never forget that learning is a life-long process and many doors are opened to those who chose to never stop learning. As Anthony J. D’Angelo states, “Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”